Your Voice thread was absolutely wonderful. I like that you had comments to go along with each picture. You could almost use this as a presentation to the school board for a bond proposal and they could actually see how you are using technology. I feel very lucky in that we are very up-to-date in the technology department; however we lack guidance in using what we have. I think it would be very difficult to work in the lab that you had the picture of, there is really know where for the students to work. It seems very difficult to look up and research things in that lab.
Your Voice thread was absolutely wonderful. I like that you had comments to go along with each picture. You could almost use this as a presentation to the school board for a bond proposal and they could actually see how you are using technology. I feel very lucky in that we are very up-to-date in the technology department; however we lack guidance in using what we have. I think it would be very difficult to work in the lab that you had the picture of, there is really know where for the students to work. It seems very difficult to look up and research things in that lab.