Saturday, February 27, 2010

Final Reflection

As this course, Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas, comes to a close, I am reflecting upon what I've gained from this course that I can apply to my content and that I can apply in the future.  One of the main strategies that I am going to take with me is developing a GAME plan, where I am always setting goals, performing actions towards those goals, monitoring and evaluating my plan as it progresses.  I really like this concept and will use it myself and with my students now and in the future.  This course really promoted the idea of self-directed learning for students and described ways that technology can be used to accomplish a more self-directed approach.  Using problem-based learning, social networking, and digital storytelling are a few ways that I learned to integrate technology into my content while promoting self-directed learning among students.

At the beginning of this course, we were to look at the NETS-T standards for teachers and chose at least two standards that we were not as proficient or confident at utilizing in the classroom.  I chose design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments and engage in professional growth and leadership.  As the weeks went on, I tried to incorporate the problem-based learning into my classroom and explored various digital-age learning experiences, such as social networking programs, digital storytelling, and online portfolio systems.  I feel that the GAME plan that I developed and followed throughout this course really made a difference in my engagement, motivation, and learning.  Having the goals and each week working towards them really challenged me.

As I discovered the NETS-S standards for students towards the end of this course, I am going to include these standards in my lessons to students.  I will try my best to integrate these standards into my current content lessons and integrate technology when I see fit.  I would like to use discussion boards and blogs more in my classroom as a form of educational social networking around specific content standards.  I like the point in this course where Dr. Peggy Ertmer describes integrating technology effectively requires "knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and a supportive culture" (Enhancing Content - Part 1 dvd).  This point is so true, for teachers to integrate technology effectively they must be competent in those areas.  Belief is a main part because many older teachers just don't believe that technology can enhance and support learning.

In conclusion,  I am going to continue developing and following a GAME plan and engaging in professional development and ongoing research into different technology resources that I can use in my classroom.  This summer, when I have more free time, I am going to research and explore more social networking sites, podcast sites, and ways to integrate technology into my Art lessons.  I fully believe that self-directed learning and authentic learning experiences help students learn content best and that integrating technology not only builds their knowledge and skills that they will need for the future, but enhances their learning of content.

This is an example of my high school Art 1 student's computer art using Microsoft Paint program.
This is an example of what can be done on  
Upload student artwork to and tee-shirts and other merchandise can be purchased with student artwork on it. gives 15% of profits to the school.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of artsonia! It would make great gifts for the parents and an amazing motivator for students. Did you send home an order form offering parents the option to buy? Or were you offered a grant?
