Friday, April 3, 2009

Application 5 - Podcast Assignment: Profiling the Students of Today

Results of my student survey through
28 students - 2nd and 3rd graders.

1. How many hours a day do you watch tv?
none 0% - o responses
less than 1 hour 21.4% - 6 responses
1 hour 14.3% - 4 responses
2 hours 25% - 7 responses
3 hours 7.1% - 2 responses
4+ hours 32.1% - 9 responses
2. Do you use a cell phone daily?
Yes - 29.6% - 8 responses
No - 70.4% - 19 responses
1 skipped question
3. Do you, on a weekly basis, use a computer to complete homework?
Yes - 10.7% - 3 responses
No - 89.3% - 25 responses
4. How many hours per day do you spend on the computer?
No computer 0% - 0 responses
Not allowed to use computer 25% - 7 responses
Less than 1 hour 42.9% - 12 responses
1 hour 17.9% - 5 responses
2 hours 3.6% - 1 response
3 hours 7.1% - 2 responses
4+ hours 3.6% - 1 response
5. What do you do most on the computer?
Play games 81.5% - 22 responses
Surf the web 7.4% - 2 responses
Chat with friends 3.7% - 1 response
Email 0% - o responses
Homework help 7.4%- 2 responses
No computer 0% - o responses
6. What types of technology do you have at home?
Computer 89.3% - 25 responses
Cell phone 71.4% - 20 responses
Iphone 14.3% - 4 responses
Video Games 75% - 21 responses
TV 92.9% - 26 responses
Ipod or Mp3 player 85.7% - 24 responses
7. What types of technology do you often use in school?
Whiteboard for computer 70.4% - 19 responses
Projector / Screen 51.9% - 14 responses
Computer in Classroom 48.1% - 13 responses
Elmo 70.4% - 19 responses
Overheard Projector 48.1% - 13 responses
8. What is your favorite way to learn?
Reading 33.3% - 9 responses
Using a computer to research 3.7% - 1 response
Video / DVD 44.4% - 12 responses
Talking about a subject 22.2% - 6 responses
Other - Video Games -1 response
9. Do you feel that you know how to use a computer well for internet and other applications?
Yes 85.7% - 24 responses
No 14.3% - 4 responses
10. Checkmark the technology that you have used?
Computer 96.4% 27 responses
Printer 60.7% 17 responses
Scanner 21.4% 6 responses
Wiki 25.0% 7 responses
Blog 25.0% 7 responses
Email 60.7% 17 responses
Chat / Instant message / Text message 60.7% 17 responses
Video Games 85.7% 24 responses
Video Camera 57.1% 16 responses
Digital Camera 42.9% 12 responses

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