Saturday, April 25, 2009

Week 8 - Reflection

  • In what ways has this course helped you to develop your own technology skills as a professional teacher? I have learned how to create a wiki, blog, and podcast to use for educational purposes. I learned many of the technical skills related to the creation of the above, such as editing skills, how to add images and text, and how to format. I've also learned a few things from the course discussions, such as Sparknotes (a great online technological resource for students), Fugleflicks (a great podcast resource site for art educators), and have explored many different blogs that I will continue to use for professional development resources and general knowledge resource.
  • In what ways have you deepened your knowledge of the teaching and learning process? I have learned about the importance of incorporating the 21st century skills into daily content lessons. I have learned what the 21st century skills are and how to utilize them in the classroom in various ways. The teacher now-a-days needs to become more of a facilitator and source of support and knowledge for students. He/she needs to utilize 21st century skills and technology in the teaching of content. Many opportunities need to be presented to students, so that students become more self-directed and in charge of their own learning. We need to encourage, challenge, and provide opportunities for our students to become more engaged in the learning process by offering them fun, educational activities that involve technology and learning content skills.
  • In what ways have you changed your perspective from being teacher-centered to learner-centered? I feel that in most of my lessons I provide learner-centered activities and projects. My perspective has not really changed that much. I never lecture my students and often offer many collaborative, self-directed art projects. I have always looked to my students for inspiration, new ideas, and their input for designing and implementing various content lessons. Usually I'm only their for direction, support, as a guide, and director. I totally believe that learning should be learner-centered. If we don't look at our students as sources of new information and use their interests and expertise in technology in the classroom, we lose their interest and when we lose their interest, our hard work and their learning is not successful.
  • In what ways can you continue to expand your knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading with technology with the aim of increasing student achievement? I will continue to take professional development classes in technology. This summer the Tri-County Educational Service Center, which services our school district, is offering 10+ free classes for teachers on a variety of educational topics, including many in different classroom technology skills and programs. I am also helping our district technology director with taking apart the old computers and she is teaching me the external and internal parts of a computer. She has many years of technology experience and she is teaching me a lot about technology, technology problem solving skills, and how to use many technology resources in my classroom. She is a good friend of mine! I am constantly reading and looking for ways to integrate new technologies and online resources into my content lessons. Every time I teach a lesson, I try to add new technology resources to it to increase student achievement and motivation.
  • Set two long-term goals (within two years) for transforming your classroom environment by which you may have to overcome institutional or systemic obstacles in order to achieve them. How do you plan to accomplish these goals? One of my goals for next school year is to teach content to each grade level that I teach using Jumpstart Artist computer software. This year our PTO (parent-teacher organization) purchased this program for all of our computer lab computers. I have a plan to sequentially teach content using this fun educational software starting in grade 1 and progressing each year through grade 4. One obstacle that I've faced this year is scheduling the lab. I'm going to overcome this obstacle by teaching in the lab one grade level at a time. For example, only 1st grade in September, 2nd grade in November, 3rd in March, and 4th in May. By scheduling the lab only one grade level at a time, it may reduce the problems that I've faced trying to schedule grades 1-3 in one month. Another goal is to utilize blogs, wikis, and podcasts in my lessons next year when the opportunity arises. I'm going to look at each content lesson and try my best to integrate these technology resources into the lessons. I'm definitely going to teach my high school Art 1 class how to develop a collaborative wiki to research and provide information on various artists to share with the class.

Additional reflection/comments: I really enjoyed the discussion aspect of this class. I enjoyed reading, reflecting, and commenting each week on various topics. Reading other people's posts and sharing, discussing, and adding to the discussion was great and gave me a lot of knowledge and new information from my peers in this class.

I feel that my technology and knowledge has grown from my first week of this class till now. I've learned many new things and how to integrate them into my classroom and the importance of integrating them into my classroom.

I really enjoyed this class and learned a lot! Thanks, Becky DePuy

Friday, April 3, 2009

Application 5 - Podcast Assignment: Profiling the Students of Today

Results of my student survey through
28 students - 2nd and 3rd graders.

1. How many hours a day do you watch tv?
none 0% - o responses
less than 1 hour 21.4% - 6 responses
1 hour 14.3% - 4 responses
2 hours 25% - 7 responses
3 hours 7.1% - 2 responses
4+ hours 32.1% - 9 responses
2. Do you use a cell phone daily?
Yes - 29.6% - 8 responses
No - 70.4% - 19 responses
1 skipped question
3. Do you, on a weekly basis, use a computer to complete homework?
Yes - 10.7% - 3 responses
No - 89.3% - 25 responses
4. How many hours per day do you spend on the computer?
No computer 0% - 0 responses
Not allowed to use computer 25% - 7 responses
Less than 1 hour 42.9% - 12 responses
1 hour 17.9% - 5 responses
2 hours 3.6% - 1 response
3 hours 7.1% - 2 responses
4+ hours 3.6% - 1 response
5. What do you do most on the computer?
Play games 81.5% - 22 responses
Surf the web 7.4% - 2 responses
Chat with friends 3.7% - 1 response
Email 0% - o responses
Homework help 7.4%- 2 responses
No computer 0% - o responses
6. What types of technology do you have at home?
Computer 89.3% - 25 responses
Cell phone 71.4% - 20 responses
Iphone 14.3% - 4 responses
Video Games 75% - 21 responses
TV 92.9% - 26 responses
Ipod or Mp3 player 85.7% - 24 responses
7. What types of technology do you often use in school?
Whiteboard for computer 70.4% - 19 responses
Projector / Screen 51.9% - 14 responses
Computer in Classroom 48.1% - 13 responses
Elmo 70.4% - 19 responses
Overheard Projector 48.1% - 13 responses
8. What is your favorite way to learn?
Reading 33.3% - 9 responses
Using a computer to research 3.7% - 1 response
Video / DVD 44.4% - 12 responses
Talking about a subject 22.2% - 6 responses
Other - Video Games -1 response
9. Do you feel that you know how to use a computer well for internet and other applications?
Yes 85.7% - 24 responses
No 14.3% - 4 responses
10. Checkmark the technology that you have used?
Computer 96.4% 27 responses
Printer 60.7% 17 responses
Scanner 21.4% 6 responses
Wiki 25.0% 7 responses
Blog 25.0% 7 responses
Email 60.7% 17 responses
Chat / Instant message / Text message 60.7% 17 responses
Video Games 85.7% 24 responses
Video Camera 57.1% 16 responses
Digital Camera 42.9% 12 responses